frustrate|frustrated|frustrates|frustrating in English


[frus·trate || 'frʌstreɪt /frʌ'streɪt]

foil, thwart; disappoint; make frustrated; defeat; baffle, confound

Use "frustrate|frustrated|frustrates|frustrating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "frustrate|frustrated|frustrates|frustrating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "frustrate|frustrated|frustrates|frustrating", or refer to the context using the word "frustrate|frustrated|frustrates|frustrating" in the English Dictionary.

1. 12 He frustrates the schemes of the crafty,

2. So frustrating!

3. This frustrates government efforts in checking desert encroachment.

4. It’s quite frustrating.”


6. It must be frustrating.

7. Borderlining preeclampsia frustrated

8. Crabgrass is an annual weed that frustrates homeowners year after year

9. But Mr McCain might frustrate him again.

10. Fun things just work; they do not frustrate.

11. It's attitudes like that which so frustrate doctors.

12. The prisoner made a frustrate attempt to escape.

13. I know this Is frustrating.

14. We should frustrate the plans of our enemy.

15. They made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy.

16. Both difficulty and failure did not frustrate his passion.

17. 11 These questions frustrated me.

18. I found the delays intensely frustrating.

19. An insensitive allocation policy could only frustrate their efforts.

20. This is the place that we frustrate enemy.

21. The Curmudgeonly Brimley found TV frustrating

22. Gates found their recalcitrance equally frustrating.

23. It was even more frustrating for Harry.

24. This frustrated and confused me;

25. His evil designs were frustrated.